Monday, February 18, 2008

Directories to monitor in Aix

/var/adm/sulog Switch user log file (ASCII file). Use cat, pg or
more to view it and rm to clean it out.
/etc/security/failedlogin Failed logins from users. Use the who command
to view the information. Use "cat /dev/null >
/etc/failedlogin" to empty it,
/var/adm/wtmp All login accounting activity. Use the who
command to view it use "cat /dev/null >
/var/adm/wtmp" to empty it.
/etc/utmp Who has logged in to the system. Use the who
command to view it. Use "cat /dev/null >
/etc/utmp" to empty it.
/var/spool/lpd/qdir/* Left over queue requests
/var/spool/qdaemon/* temp copy of spooled files
/var/spool/* spooling directory
smit.log smit log file of activity
smit.script smit log

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